Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Harvesting on the farm

I'm currently in Western Australia on the farm spending some time with Mum until we fly back to Melbourne where she will be having a holiday and spending Christmas with us and my siblings and families.

It's harvesting time on the farm, almost at the end of it with only a few more paddocks to do.  Late yesterday afternoon I hitched a ride with my big brother on the harvester and did a few laps around the paddock with him.  Here are a few photos taken while on and off board.

Big brother approaching on his harvester

Filling up the field bin.  The grain is loaded onto my cousins truck and taken to the wheat silo in the local town.

My nephew on his harvester.

The big brother.  He's an AWESOME farmer.

I crouched down to take this photo of this wheat yet to be harvested.
So good to be back in wide open spaces, big blue skies and plenty of sunshine.

Anne  xx


  1. Great photos Anne.. nice to see some lovely warm sunshine... it's rather brrrrrrr here in the UK, perhaps if I sit and stare at your photos I'll feel warmer.. hehe :o)

  2. Love a good header photo.

    I hope your brother and his family have a good harvest. We finished yesterday! Yay!

  3. Lovely photos, especially the last one! I hope you have a wonderful time with your family, in both locations.

    The calendar you sent arrived yesterday and it is great, thank you very much. I've been feeling really down about this week so it was a nice surprise. I haven't posted yours yet, I'm really disorganised this year (most unlike me!), but I will post it soon.

  4. Great photos Anne.......hope it's a great harvest for your brother......
    Had to smile at your brother and nephew each in their own harvester.
    Love the pic of the wheat, gorgeous colour against the sky. Hope it hasn't been too hot and how nice to have your mum come over to Vic for Christmas with you all.

    Claire X

  5. Wonderful photos of amazing farmland. Have a lovely time with your mum x

  6. I never quite get used to seeing my antipodean blog friends harvesting and the like when we are thinking it looks like snow!

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas Anne :)

  7. So beautiful photos, Anne!
    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks you Anne for the New Year's best wishes.
    Wishing you and yours a Wonderful New Year too. :)

  9. Hi Anne

    Happy New Year. I hope you are well and had a lovely time with your mum over christmas. I expect it must have been a difficult one, but I do hope you had some happy, family time together. I also hope the calendar arrived for you - I'd love to be able to visit all those places across the UK this year - if only I had enough time and funds!



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