Monday, 31 March 2014

Gardening moments

It's done.  My new vegetable patch has been dug over, had compost and cow manure added, seedlings planted and mulched with lovely pea straw.  In the garden are cauliflower, bunching broccoli, red onions, leek, pak choy, spinach, carrots and beetroot.  The onions and leeks were planted amongst the cauliflower and broccoli to hopefully trick the white butterflies.  I also potted up a blueberry, cape gooseberry and a perennial basil.

Perennial basil
Today I removed the contents of the potting shed back into the potting shed.  They had temporarily been housed in the unoccupied chook shed while the potting shed was dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere to make way for the studio.  Looking forward to getting some more chooks in the near future.

Hubby made a temporary enclosure for my compost heap which will do until he has time to build more permanent construction.  I mowed the grass this morning so the contents of the grass catcher was added to the compost pile together with prunings from the herb patch and other overgrown foliage.


  1. Great work!!!! It sounds like a really productive garden Anne xxx

  2. Wow you worked hard this weekend, looks great.

  3. Sounds good. Isn't it great to get jobs done! I'm glad you liked Edgar's Mission, I thought of you as soon as I realised it was an Australian group and hoped you would see it.

  4. A great weekend for the garden apparently. Well done, now all you have to do it wait! cheers Wendy

  5. Looks like you've got a great looking garden bed there. There are some yummy veggies in that grouping. :)

  6. What a thrill for you to get so much done, and so rewarding....think of how healthy you are going to be! Love Mrs A

  7. Hello Anne, wow you've been working hard! Very sensible to experiment & discover as you go. Looks like a great start with all that you've put in to the beds. What you've planted should be fine there. I find it's competing roots & over-hanging trees that are the greatest challenge to vege growing. There are a number of lettuces that grow well in cooler weather, & also a salad green called corn salad (which is quite nutty & delicious), so does coriander, calendula & chervil. Happy gardening! Much love Catherine x0x0x


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