Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Late afternoon

This afternoon I went to visit family friends who live several miles from Mum.  On the way home I stopped to take these photos of the beautiful colours the late afternoon sun casts on the surrounding trees and landscape.  Such a beautiful time of the day.

This one needs to be done in oils.

Loving the contrast between the salmon and white gum tree trunks.

It's so good to be here enjoying where I grew up.  Just can't take the country girl out of me.


  1. A few of those pics would be pretty as paintings. Gorgeous! :)

  2. Wonderful pictures!

    I adore the twilight time in Australia - it's such a magical light! I have never seen such wonderful light in Europe!

    Take care,

  3. Wow, the light in these pics is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. xx

  4. The light in these photos is beautiful.

  5. I love the last photo - golden against grey.

  6. Yours is the second Australian blog post I've visited today with this incredible light. Unless you tell me otherwise I'm going to assume it's something to do with the angle and placement of the sun during your autumn. Whatever it is its stunning :)

  7. You wonder why we live in cities when we could have all of this.

  8. Hey Anne catching up on your WA posts, gorgeous pics, such interesting and diverse countryside.
    I hope your mum has a wonderful 80th birthday, a special one with all the kids there along with grandkids too. Love the pic of your dad, I can see his resemblance in you.
    Hope your spiral garden is productive and your mum can enjoy the fruits of your labour.
    Enjoy your time with her and the rest of the family.

    Claire x


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