Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Farm scenes

Thank you for all your lovely comments about the bush wild flower photos from my last post.  Below are selection of photos taken during my walks around the farm.

This photos was taken standing beside my favourite tree on the edge of the dry creek bed which runs through the farm.  I love the constrast of the new and old wood.

Taken late afternoon while walking along the creek bed which can be seen on the right.

A wheat crop in head with Salmon gums in the distance.

Old farm machinery.

More Salmon gums.

I love these wide open spaces and old farm gates.

More to come.

Anne xx


  1. What a peaceful looking area. So pretty!

  2. Lovely photos, it looks a lovely place for a wander around with a camera!

  3. Love all your typical Aussie photos. For a moment the trees in the distance in the last photo looked like a herd of buffalo !!

  4. Lovely photos, Anne. Principally a "wheat crop in head with Salmon gums"!

    I like that old farm gates too!
    Did you know TexGirl from the blog "Run *A*Round Ranch Report"?
    Always on Thursdays she post many fences and gates, on "Good Fences". I like to participate on it.
    Link HERE

    Have a good week ahead. :)

  5. Hey Anne, love seeing pics of your time at the farm. The flowers in the previous post are just gorgeous, such variety.
    Hope it's a good wheat harvest this season.
    It's a beautiful Spring day here, such a lovely time of year.

    Claire x


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