Friday, 24 October 2014

In the garden and doodling

Hello, today has been another glorious spring day and early this morning I took heaps of photos of what is flowering in the garden at the moment.  I am also overjoyed that both my bush/dwarf beans and climbing beans have germinated and are bursting out of the soil.  Because I have so many photos, I've put some into collage form to make it easier than scrolling on forever through this post.  Flowers first.

While snapping photos, I saw this bee drinking nectar from Ajuga flowers.

I love this next photo, so happy with how it turned out

These are the bush or dwarf beans.  The fuzzy bit in the photo is the netting we have in place to protect the plants.  Unfortunately it doesn't stop the slugs and snails.

Climbing beans.
So in amongst the gardening the last few days, I've been popping up to the studio for an hour here, half an our there and had some fun doodling with pen and water colour pencils.  Some of these little doodles might make it onto a card.  I've not done this type of sketching for some time and feeling rather rusty.

I could have reduced the size of these images so you can't see all the rough bits and mistakes but I'm really not bothered.  The yellow flowers in the white jug with the blue pattern is my favourite.  Lots of improving to do.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

Anne  xx


  1. Plants are growing - all is well with the world and I love all your pictures.

  2. I love the sketches Anne especially the iris xxx

  3. Very beautiful flowers, Anne!
    Pretty sletches too.

  4. Aw Anne, I do so love popping in here as your pics always lift my spirit. Your paintings are sooo fab, thanks for sharing your talent with us. Happy weekend to you too,

  5. Beautiful photos, and some great bee pictures. Your drawings look great to me!

  6. I'd use every single one of your "doodles" . They will make lovely cards and the lucky recipients can then frame them. Well done Anne!

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog today. It was a rather somber post, but I felt I needed to write what I did.

    Your flowers are so beautiful! Here you are, moving into spring while we are in the midst of autumn. Such a contrast! Lovely drawings, too. :-)

  8. I really enjoyed seeing all of your flowers and plants starting up. Your garden must be beautiful. Your artwork is so lovely, you have a real talent.


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