Sunday, 12 October 2014

Opening the bee hive

Today hubby and I opened our new bee hive for the first time to check the health of the hive and the amount of space for the hive to grow.  The weather was perfect, warm and still.  After suiting up we used the smoker to calm the bees and then the lid was lifted.

The bee keeper.

It was an amazing sight and I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to see these amazing creatures at work.

Plenty of room for growth.


The nursery.  You can see the larvae in the cells in these two photos.  Isn't it amazing?!

I was so happy with how this photo turned out.  The detail is so good.

So after having a good look at the hive, seeing that all was well, noting where the honey was and that for the moment there is room for growth, we put the lid back on.  We probably took a little longer than we should have due to our inexperience as we noted some of the bees were getting a little upset.  A little more smoke was required and they quietened again.  All during the time we were working with the hive, the bees were very happy and didn't bother us at all.  There was no sign of aggression and they were happily going about there business which made it much easier for me to take these photos.  

I hope you've enjoyed seeing our bees up close and personal as much as we did.

Anne  xx


  1. Oh wow thank you for all those bee photos. Im really getting the bee bug I really really have to get organized and get myself to a workshop. I can see a hive in my backyard xx

  2. Great pictures, Anne - a wonderful little community.

  3. The BBC did a short recently, with one of my favourites, Chris Packham presenting and it was so informative and really interesting, I think you'd like it and it might be interesting for you and R to watch. I don't know if you are able to find/watch it there or not but if not I can probably get it to you on a dvd, as I've done before!

    Your photos are great, that last one is lovely

  4. Wow, it's working out really well with your bees. The colony looks healthy and happy in its hive. Thanks for sharing an update.

  5. It's amazing isn't it.. good to hear that the bees are good bees.. although it is said the more aggressive bees make the most honey.. personally I'd rather have less honey and placid bees!
    :o) x


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