Thursday, 11 December 2014

Some Western Australian moments

As always it is good to back visiting the farm and seeing family again.  We have been so very fortunate to have some English cousins (I've not met before), visit while I've been staying with Mum.  We had a fun two days getting to know each other better and marvelling at how well we got on despite only being newly aquainted.

One morning I was awake early about 4.30am and decided to get up for the sunrise and it sure was worth the wait shivering in the early morning breeze.

Early morning light on a corrugated iron tank and grain silos.

 Big lambs in a paddock not too farm from Mum's house are coming to the dam for a drink.

Some of Eric's cows and calves had a few weeks in a paddock near Mum's house.  They got out a few times and I had fun trying to get them back in but had to get help from big brother.  They are back on the other farm now and being fed beautiful hay.

When visiting the farm I sometimes get the opportunity to help big brother with sheep work. I like to keep my hand in and spent part of a day last week penning up sheep and trying to push them forward into the run so they could be treated.  The sheep weren't always co-operative and I don't have the physical strength to move them like my brother and nephew can.  I did my best though and managed to get some of them moving into the right place.  It is very dusty work and I just have to show you two very funny photos of just how dirty I got.  

Red face from the heat and see all that dirt in the creases in my neck?  Clinging to the sunscreen beautifully!  :)  Hahahaha!

Today Mum and I went on a bit of a girls day out to a local town and had a lovely lunch in a cafe.  We had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Just a few more days until we head back to Melbourne so making the most of wide open spaces, viewing stars with no light pollution and warm weather.

Anne xx


  1. Stunning sunset pictures. Beautiful.

  2. It sounds like you're having a great time!

    Thank you very much for the calendar, it arrived a few days ago and I really like it :) I also found one just a little bit different for you (I bought it at Lichfield Cathedral when I was there earlier in the year!) so I hope you'll enjoy it, I posted it today :)

  3. I really enjoyed your pics Anne xxx

  4. Great photos Anne! I do love a good sunrise, the colours you captured are beautiful. Well worth the early rise I think :)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Anne, hope you have a wonderful New Year!



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