Monday, 21 August 2017

Baking for builders

I've been busy baking while we've had builders.  There is nothing more rewarding than cooking for hungry men who appreciate your efforts and also enjoy a latte from the coffee machine on a cold day.  I stuck with baking basics like muffins, lemonade scones (so easy) and Jubilee Twist.  The latter recipe comes from the Country Women's Association cookbook and an old favourite Mum used to bake.  While I was busy baking, I was reminded how Mum used to be busy baking when we had shearers working on the farm.  It certainly was a busy time as she had to cater for morning and afternoon tea as well as lunch.  That doesn't happen any more as the shearers take care of their own catering now.

It's very quiet here today at home as the builders have finished most of the major work with just a few bits and pieces to finish off.  There's no radio playing, no builder singing his heart out to songs from the 70's and no banter from the other builder about how lousy the singing was.  I've never seen two tradies get on so well, laughing, joking and talking while they worked.  What a pleasure it was to have them work on the garage/workshop. 

This lovely new and expanded space (very old and asbestos garage was demolished) that very obviously needs a paint, will house our two vehicles and give hubby workshops space with storage for his tools and handyman supplies.  There is also a designated space for him to put a dark room.  There is lots of work to be done but that will be fun for hubby.

Bye for now,


  1. Your baking looks yummy Anne and it sounds like the workmen were nice to have around.
    What a great space they have created.
    Jacquie x

  2. The new building is look great! I bet R will be so pleased when it's all finished (and you, getting the tools moved into it too!).

    We are so busy with out house this year - I feel a bit like putting it up for sale if I'm honest right now but I know it will be good! We've had two months of dirt and dust and mess and it's getting me down but we're nearly over the worst part now and things are going to start looking up soon... I just can't wait to move in.

    Sorry I've not managed to reply to your email yet - between the house and wildplay work and everything else in life I feel like I don't have time for anything at the moment, struggling to keep up with my blog and commenting too but doing a bit here and there!

    Hope you're all well :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hadn't heard of the Jubilee Twist I've screen shotted your recipe for future baking! Looks delish with thar gooey icing!

  5. Your blog is very nice,Thanks for sharing good blog.

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