Saturday, 29 November 2014

A quick catch up

Hello.  Although I've been absent from the blogging world for a few weeks, life has been busy with different things.  I've been spending a lot of time in the garden and happy to say that some seeds sewn have germinated in their punnets.  Some of the seeds were over six years old so it's especially pleasing they've germinated.

We've had some vege pickings from the garden including red onions, leeks, lettuce, spring onion, sugar loaf cabbage and  bunching broccoli.  We also have a few bulbs of garlic.

I spent a good 15 minutes one afternoon watching this baby Currawong having a drink at the bird bath in the back yard.

Hubby and I went out for an impromptu dinner with friends and I had what was possibly the best meal I've ever eaten.  Spicy crispy skin Atlantic salmon with sweet potato, wilted spinach, roasted parsnip and a creamy lemon sauce.

Stripey has been enjoying our lovely sunny weather and took a nap in the cat mint after chewing, licking and rolling in it.  He managed not to squash the spring onions too much.

The garden is still doing beautifully and full of flowers.

This is the first Buddleia I've planted and the perfume is amazing.
I'm off to Western Australia again tomorrow morning to spend two weeks with mum and then she is flying back to Melbourne with me to have a holiday and spend Christmas and New Year with our families living in Victoria.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and continuing to follow my blog despite my absence at times.  Enjoy your Sunday.

Anne  xx


  1. I can relate to the absence, I've been there myself this year!
    Your food and garden looks wonderful! x

  2. It's great to hear from you! Those vegetables all look very fresh and tasty and your garden is looking good too. Sounds like life has been good lately :) I hope you have a lovely trip to Western Australia.

  3. Your garden looks wonderful Anne especially your veg , I've tried a couple of times to get a good pic of Sascha in the catmint !! xxx

  4. Hi Anne, so lovely to see all your summer flowers and produce.
    have a good trip.
    Jacquie x

  5. Your garden is looking lovely Anne - and well done with the veggie garden! Quite an accomplishment.
    Have fun in WA, hope it is not too hot. You are going to have a lovely Christmas with your Mum home with you I'm sure. cheers Wendy

  6. Hi Anna,

    I can see your beautiful life, lovely vege picking and hey... I am glad to know your over six years old seeds were germinated. Yay...!
    Have a great time there,



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