Wednesday 9 March 2011

The dust is settling

Hi everyone.  I'd just like to say a big thank you for leaving comments and sending positive thoughts my way in response to my post yesterday.  The dust is settling here although I'm expecting some dust storms in the future.  For now I think we can breathe a little easier and hopefully the shedding of many tears, some healing sleep, some quiet moments talking and listening, encouraging and understanding have helped to ease a fragile state of mind. 

A had a few moments yesterday where I could catch my breath and my little furry friend kept me company.  Cats are the most gorgeous animals.  I took these photos of Stripey on my lap as I was trying to type, he was purring his little head off.


 I took this photo by holding the camera out at the side and hoped for the best.

Enjoy your evening/day,

Anne  xx


  1. Too cute Anne......
    Glad to hear the dust is settling and things are looking a little more positive.
    It's amazing what a good cry followed by a good sleep can do for you. Opening up the 'pressure valve' and letting off a little steam, can help diffuse a difficult situation.
    Give Stripey a cuddle for me, he's a sweetie.

    Claire :}

  2. Looks like your kitty is doing the typing for you. They are so comforting. Glad you got some of it out of your body, you got to let it out otherwise it will tear you apart from the inside out. Thing positive and everything will eventually be alright.

  3. Pets always make me smile and have such a calming influence. I bet he was fascinated by your typing. When I had two cats, they used to sit on top of each other on my lap as I worked. My dog puts her nose under my arm and throws it up.

    Sending a few more positive vibes in your direction.

  4. I love your photos of Stripey. She looks like my Nutmeg! Plus I have two others. Thanks for sharing your photos. Very sweet.

  5. What a beautiful moggie, and clever too :)


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